venerdì, maggio 12, 2006


Dear Techno-Savvy Family and Friends,
As many of you know, I'll be studying in Italy this summer from 14 May until the end of July. In lieu of sending out mass e-mails, I've set up a blog specifically for the summer and to document my adventures. Please feel free to forward this blog along to anyone I may have missed, or even to others I may not know -- the Internet is very democratic this way. Even after many years of traveling in Italy, there will be much new about this experience for me and I look forward to it.
If you're unsure of what a blog is, you can start here. If you use an RSS reader or aggregator, the feed is here. I'll be setting up an LiveJournal feed soon, but I haven't yet, so if you use that, hang on. If you want to e-mail a specific post to someone, you can click the small envelope icon at the end of each post.
I anticipate being able to update quite frequently, however I won't know for sure until I get to Rome. Thank you for your support and for sharing in this adventure with me. Happy summer!