venerdì, maggio 19, 2006


One Bridget Murray especially will appreciate the following. Continuing in my celebration of banality, Italian style (infinitely better than banality, American style), I stopped off for my first frullato of the summer... Ahhh. And since I'm a 5-minute walk from JCU to the frullato place, one can assume it was the first of many. They were completely out of hazelnuts, which of course was terrible due to my intense infatuation with things hazelnut, so instead I got a biscotti frullato, which was quite excellent considering its lack of hazelnuts. A frullato is frozen yogurt with crushed pieces of frozen fruit or other toppings mixed in it, and I think comparable to TCBY or a DQ Blizzard.

Right after I got my frullato, I was walking down a vicolo and I think I saw a drug deal. It was about 3:30 in the afternoon. After consulting with Alessandra about it today, having thought it over for a day and deciding that it in fact was a drug deal, I know that these things happen in the afternoons here because then the police don't really expect it that much, they suspect more if there are two people in an alley at night instead of the afternoon. I think it was cocaine.

Today there's a bus strike, and so I hung out around here instead of taking the chance of being stranded somewhere in the heat of the afternoon -- the busses are only running during rush hour. I also had to finish my FAFSA, and so that's a weight off of my shoulders. I went and ate some pizza in the park for a while, and had my first peach iced tea, which is arguably one of the best beverages ever invented. The sun is so warm, it's like a blanket, which is such a lovely feeling.