domenica, maggio 28, 2006

In which Maria discusses Sunday

This sign I've seen a few places at restaurants owned by the same people. I think it's kind of a good thing, and so I wanted to share.

Today I've made multiple posts to organize things a bit better for myself. A short rundown of the day, however:
  • up early to the Russicum, to possibly see Daniel P, who is returning tomorrow evening and so wasn't around at 10am this morning.
  • Termini, where almost immediately the famous line of Italian poetry "quello spirto guerrier ch'entro mi rugge" popped into my head and I had the strong, strong desire to go somewhere, immediately, but I of course did not. Instead I got some books and read. Also at Termini, I bought savory meats and fresh bread for lunch, plus one can of beer and one chocolate + whole hazlenuts bar.
  • 910 bus to Villa Borghese, where I ate the aforementioned food and then read for quite a while, and walked quite a bit.
  • Quirinale Hill, when I realized that I wasn't far and it was nearly 4pm. Even though I have no interest in American patriotic type things, the changing of the guard at the Italian President's palace is something that I love. The band played even a Sousa (which I prefer for the Fourth of July instead of other, newer Americana songs) march, among others and I really enjoyed it. I can get into Italian patriotic things for a few reasons: it's not really emotional for me and so I'm removed from it in that respect; as far as the band is concerned, they're not really soldiers, they're artists, so I can get behind that; and finally, the new president of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, is a communist (bet that one didn't make the American news!) ((I kid, mostly. Sort of.)). I took video with my digital camera of the whole thing, and as soon as I can I'll edit it and post it to give some flava from the wonderful band music.
  • Trastevere for liturgy + afterwards, a frullato.
  • An hour and a half to get back up the Cassia, arriving here at about 10:30pm.

The frullato. I know it looks kind of gross, but omgz wow. So, it's frozen yogurt, an entire fig, hazelnut pieces and walnut pieces all mashed together into one ice-cream-headache-inducing pile of wonderfulness, all topped with honey. It's one more little bit of Epicurean proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.